VW Digital Solutions  Careers

Come on! Let’s ride the future together.
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It has been

a unique experience"

Team Testimonials: Rui Martins

VWDS Central Teams
Haven’t you found a position
that suits you?

Direct application

No worries. We are always hiring great people to join our teams.
Just send us your direct application and let’s see what the future holds. We bet it will be bright.

Apply now

Our Recruitment Process in 4 steps

Our Recruitment Process may slightly differ according to each role.

CV Screening

Our HR team reviews all the applications. Within a few days will give you feedback.


Cultural Interview

If your CV matches our requirements, the HR team will invite you for an interview. This is the moment to get to know you better and give you the freedom to ask everything you’d like to know about the company and our projects. After this, you’ll be invited to make a technical test in our platform.


Technical Interview

After collecting the feedback from the cultural interview and the results from the test, you’ll be invited to access your technical knowledge together with one of our engineers. Also, you can find more about our projects and way of working.


Job offer

All ok from your side and ours :) It’s time for a job offer.

OnTrack   Blog

Amanda Protasio
14 Oct 2024

Hackathon-Driven Innovation

Mastering Collaboration & Learning
Michelle Brito
07 Oct 2024

How a Hackathon sparked creativity and innovation in our team

Have you ever wondered what your team could accomplish if everyone was given the freedom to work on their passion projects?
See all articles

Our three  Tech Units